
Crochet Circle

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Lace Crochet

Traditionally lace crochet used fine cotton threads to make round mats (doilies) table runners, lace collars and tablecloths. Now thanks to better choice and a wider selection of cottons and threads we can make traditional lace crochet without having to resort to the very fine traditional cottons (thread). DMC petra for example comes in sizes from 3, 5 and 8 all of which come in a range of lovely colours. Use them to make traditional crochet lace and you will produce stunning results without losing out on quality.

 Table runner
The wonderful thing about the colour selection of cotton threads is that you can now create table runners and covers for modern settings as well as the more classic designs. Don’t restrict making lace crochet to the more traditional styles. Lace crochet creates light airy structures perfect for creating lace shawls and lightweight scarves and you can do this with DK (light worsted) or 4 ply yarns.

Make crochet lace as simple or as intricate as you like. For beginners to crochet rows of basic shells creates a simple but very pretty lace finish and would make a stunning crochet long style scarf or cowl, particularly if you use a blended yarn. Basic net crochet is a good place for beginners to crochet to start with lace. Net crochet in its simple form is created by making 1 or 2 ch spaces between trebles (double crochet) and it’s very simple to make using fine thread or yarn. Add in groups of 4 trebles and make filet crochet which can be used to create designs and images, everything from birds to people, houses and animals.

You can also use net crochet combined with clusters and shells together in one row or make a scarf with simple net crochet and add a scalloped edge to create a stunning scarf with a simple design.  Use lace crochet to make round or square motifs and you can do this with fine cotton or thicker yarn. As with other lace projects make your motifs as simple or as complicated as you wish. Granny squares for example made in a finer yarn creates a very pretty lace effect.
 Lacy crochet Scarf

Irish crochet lace has always had its own style creating simple motifs in a variety of shapes, including spirals and leaves which have particularly featured in traditional Irish crochet. For more experienced crocheters this has developed from its own traditional style into free form crochet.

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