
Crochet Circle

About me

I taught myself to crochet from a book when I was 14 years old... This was through necessity. I saw an older lady making a fine round tablecloth in a park in Edinburgh when I was on holiday. She very kindly invited me to watch her and I was fascinated. My mother could make a simple chain and I took it from there. The first thing I made was a simple fine round mat and soon I progressed to large table runners and tablecloths.

Today I love working with wool and yarn of all kinds from the finest cotton to Arran and tweed style. With so many years experience I now have the confidence to design my own patters and create new stitch combinations. This is one of the things I love about crochet how easy it is to create something truly unique to yourself.

I love colour and the variety of colour combinations you can use in everything from a crochet throw over to a soft crochet baby blanket. Where to find inspiration for your crochet projects? Everywhere from Pinterest where you can find crocheters across the world with new ideas and different techniques. I have found that if you choose colours from a colour palette based on the seasons means you can create beautiful crochet designs whatever you make.

All you have to do is choose from Spring, bright pinks, blues and yellows. Summer, deep pinks, purples and kingfisher blues. Autumn, burnished copper, sage greens, cream and taupe. Finally winter, deep pinks and purples, turquoise and teal and forest green.

Use the seasons colour palette to contrast and compliment. Pick a quality yarn and a crochet hook you love the feel of and you are away!

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