
Crochet Circle

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Baby pink crochet hanger for friends baby

This sweet baby pink hanger I designed for a baby or toddler and makes a lovely gift. It's quick and easy to make. I added some bows to make it extra special, crochet flowers would also look very nice.

It came about as a friend's daughter is pregnant and I wanted to make and give an original gift, something pretty (it's a girl) and something that would be seen and used.  Both the baby's grandmothers are great knitters so I know they will be making blankets, jackets and hats, so I had to make something a bit different.

While I was working out what I could do I went into my wardrobe and saw some covered hangers my mother had made for me many years ago. My mother was a pretty basic crocheter but the way she made the hangers and the use of colours means they are very pretty and practical too. Clothes don't snack on them and as they are made using wooden hangers clothes keep their shape well.

I hit on the idea of making some hangers for the baby. Surprisingly I easily found some wooden baby sized coat hangers easily, essential for this pattern. I tried out a few designs and a few test covers before I got the sizes and shape right.

The finished pattern is suitable for beginners and is quick to make. Covering the hangers with wadding first is crucial to create a soft springy effect. I added small pink bows to this ones, but other ones I made ( I made a set of six!) have crochet  flowers, some of which I've grouped together.

You can buy the pattern from my Ravelry shop, just click on the link!

Thursday 9 July 2015

Crochet Flower Embelishments

As you know by now I love embelishments, those little extras that make your crochet project something very special! This time I'm looking at flowers. There are so many lovely designs and any number of ways to use them. It's very easy to design your own and adapt existing designs, changing colours, working into the back of stitches and grouping together can all turn an existing design into your own original crochet flower..

I came across this flower design which is very simple to make, this group are for a crochet bag I'm working on at the moment.

and I wanted to share with you one of my own flower designs.

This flower is very easy to make. I made the one in the picture using Bergere de France Coton with a 2.5mm crochet hook.

Start with 8 chain. Join with a slip stitch to form a ring. 2 chain, into the ring make 16 double crochet (single crochet). Join with skip stitch into top of first chain.

Next row 2 chain 1 double crochet (single crochet), 12 chain, 1 treble (double crochet) into 6th chain from the hook, 1 treble (double crochet) into next 7 chain. 1 double crochet (single crochet) into next double crochet (single crochet) of previous row. Repeat to end, 8 petals. Join with slip stitch to top of first chain, fasten off.

Here are a few ways I've used crochet flowers