
Crochet Circle

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Raised Stitches

There are many different crochet stitches, but all are based on the basics of chains, single crochet, double crochet and trebles. Learn a few special stitches that combine the basics and you can begin to introduce them into your crochet projects and create something truly unique to you.

Raised stitches are special stitches that are easily achieved once you have mastered the basics and are easy and satisfying to work. Raised crochet stitches are trebles, double crochets and combinations of both usually created by working around the post of the stitches in the previous row.  This creates a firm, textured crochet finish. Post stitches can be worked around the front or the back of the post.  Doing this raises your crochet work in different ways.

Raised stitches can be used to create ribs, ridges and ripples. Crochet in the front, into the back into both alternatively or diagonally, they produce different effects.Raised stitches add another level to crochet projects. Most raised stitches create a double thickness finish, so they are lovely when you want to make something warm, such as baby blankets, throws and crochet jackets. But be warned using raised stitches uses a lot of yarn!

The yarn you use makes a difference when working raised stitches and you should be careful with your choice. An uneven yarn can look odd and create bumps as you work around posts.
Basket weave is one of the most popular and useful raised stitches it’s lovely to make and is perfect for baby blanket. Wave stitch, brick stitch working in the front give a softer look, working in the back creates ridges in your work, adding much more texture and design to it.

The abbreviation for these stitches is usually FL for front loops and BL for back loops.  These are put in front of the abbreviation of the basic stitch, for example double crochet worked in the front loop would be FLdc.

Sunday 1 October 2017

The Story of My Key collection

I love crochet and find it always inspiring. I love the flexibility and artistry of crochet. What other craft can be used to make such a variety of items, from lace mats, to rugs, clothing and even works of art? What other craft is as flexible and can be used in so many ways as crochet and what other craft evolves and develops in such new and fascinating ways.

My key crochet collection of classy patterns and designs is filled with my crochet favourites and showcases the way my crochet has matured! I wanted my classic crochet designs and patterns all together in one collection. All the crochet projects in this collection are stylish simple designs that look stunning and are easy to follow and make. No more reams of complex text and blurry charts!

The collection includes gorgeous scarves, cushions and bags, all the things I love to make. All the patterns are adaptable so you can easily use them in any number of different ways. Scarves become cushions and cushions become scarves. Small cushions become big ones and big ones become smaller, even the place mats in my key collection would make a lovely scarf! You’ll find some classics here and some truly original designs using motifs in a different way but all are easy to achieve.

The collection is my take on traditional crochet styles and traditional methods of making. I wanted to show you how by changing stitches and using crochet in new and different ways, you can easily change and improve the look, originality and feel of your crochet projects. I guarantee if you use one of my crochet patterns for your latest project you will produce something stunning and truly original to you, something that will be loved by your family and friends.

For this collection I picked my yarns with care, all are good quality and well priced. Spending time making something for yourself or as a gift it’s worth the investment. However all my designs can be made with your favourite yarns just make sure your tension is OK!

The designs and patterns in this key collection are based on my 40 years of crochet plus a lot of research and experimentation. My mission is to simplify designs and patterns but at the same time create original stunning crochet. I want to move crochet along to a new level of fun and innovation, so you can make something that says ‘wow’.

Who is my key collection for? Any crafter who can make the basic crochet stitches with confidence and is now ready to try make something new, something that looks different but is still within your  capabilities with a slight stretch! All of my patterns and designs grow quickly and you can make them in bite size pieces so they are perfect for when you are on the go.

If you love crochet and feel it’s time to make something special take a look inside my collection. Visit my key collection here.....