
Crochet Circle

Thursday 20 April 2017

Sirdar Snuggly Spots review

Sirdar Snuggly spots is the perfect  yarn to use if you want to create an unusual finish without the need to change yarns. There are many yarns now available that create a variety of special effects but Sirdar snugly spots is a bit more unusual, it creates spots randomly as you work.

There are 16 colours to choose from. I’ve tried the very pale pretty spot, this gives a very subtle sprinkling of pale pink and pale lavender spots. The darker cosy spot produces more pronounced spots of orange and grey.

A 50g ball makes 165m/179 yards. Sirdar Snuggly is made with 55% nylon and 45% acrylic and is very easy to work with. It’s perfect for children’s clothing and blankets and soft scarfs. I used it to make the teddy (more on this in May!). I use hook size 3.25 but any size up to 4 mm would be fine.

I’d like to Snuggly spots for a crochet Arran style jacket using the speckle. This is my favourite in the large range of Snuggly spots. You could also use this yarn for throws and blankets, picking out the colour of the spots for contrasting yarns.

Buy from and

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Finishing off

When you spend time making something special and original to you finishing off well will show your work in the best light. Remember if you are making something like a scarf both sides of your work will be on show!

Make one extra chain for a more secure finish before weaving in ends. Fastening off the ends of thicker yarns, thread through denser areas of the same colour.

To keep the back of your work tidy crochet over loose ends as you work if you can. This works well if you are working with a thicker yarn or making a close work pattern. Doing this also makes finishing off easier.

Make sure the corners of cushions or bags are fully pushed out, use the back of your hook to do this.
If you are using a fine cotton yarn block out your motifs and your work will look 100% better.
For cushions and scarfs block edges to get a crisp straight edge finish.

Depending on what you are making if your first chain row is a bit loose crochet a dc(sc) row at both edges of your work or all around.

Attaching a material lining or backing add right side to right side with your work and use a matching shade of cotton. Use stem stitch and your stitches will disappear into the fabric of your crochet stitches.

Use back stitch on the wrong side when stitching motifs together.

If you don’t like sewing you can double crochet or slip stitch motifs together or even use something a bit more complex to make the joining of the motifs a feature of your work.

Leave long ends when finishing off or changing yarn, so you have enough to fasten off securely.
Sounds obvious, but invest in a pair of sharp embroidery scissors to make your finish ends  neater
Trim pompons and tassels so all strands are even

If possible use your main thread for stitching on buttons

If you can crochet edgings directly on to cushions and baby clothes rather than stitching it on for a better and more secure finish.

Making cushions choose a cushion pad slightly larger than your finished cushion cover. Your cushion will look plumper and will show your work off more distinctly

If you are making button loops add a row of dc’s (sc’s) for more secure fastening than a simple row of chains.