
Crochet Circle

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Ten ways to improve the look of your crochet

1. Fastening off to save stitching in yarn ends– crochet in your ends as you go along by layering the ends along your work and crochet over them
2. Joining motifs together – back stitch looks neater and is stronger. You can also crochet motifs together using slip stitch or double crochet (US single crochet) using dc’s creates a pretty ridge

3. Make your own buttons for garment and cushions. Here’s a simple free one. Make 6 chain join together, 3 ch make 22 half trebles (US half double crochet) into the ring, join with a slip stitch to make a ring. Sl stitch into top of first half treble (US half dc), Into each stitch make one slip stitch 4. join to first slip stitch. Fasten off. You can if you wish spray starch your buttons to make them more rigid. You can find more of my patterns here.

4. Add some extras to crochet throws, blankets and cushions personalise and make your finished item really special e.g. tassels and edgings. Use and mix up the colours from your project in tassels and edgings to pull it all together.

5. If you are making a throw, blanket or cushion with rows of trebles and dc’s (US single crochet) switch some of the rows to crocheting in the back loops only to create a very pretty ridge.

6. You can also change rows of trebles in cushions and throws to create a really interesting look, by switching to crossover trebles and you should not have to adapt your tension. Cross trebles are based on four stitches. Miss the first stitch, 1 tr (US dc) into each of next 3 stitches, then make one tr (US dc) into stitch you missed. Carry on in this way. If the number of stitches you have is not divisible by four just add single tr’s (US dc’s) to the beginning end of your row.

7. If you are making motifs use the same colour for the centre or final row of your motifs it will bring your design together.

8. To give an interesting finish to your projects crochet on top of your finished project using a contrasting colour - this can be as simple as a row of sl stitches or dc’s (US single crochet) crochet into the loops on the rows of your crochet.
9. Mix up your motifs adding up to 4 or 6 different ones in the same size to create more interest to throws, cushions and blankets.

10. Add small motifs, flowers or buttons on top of what you are doing. You can crochet them separately and stitch onto crochet onto your design