
Crochet Circle

Thursday 3 September 2015

My Flower Bag

You know how it is..... A new book of crochet patterns sets you off to a head full of ideas. This happened to me about a month ago. I have plenty of patterns for crochet flowers and patterns incorporating flowers, some of these are new and some are vintage. But its always good to see new ideas or older motifs used in new ways.

About the same time I'd also made a visit to one of my favourite wool shops 'Little Lamb' in Helmsley in North Yorkshire and rummaged in the 'odd balls' basket. I came away with some Sirdar Sunggly, Sirdar Crofter Sirdar Bamboo. The bamboo I particularly like, it has a lovely sheen.

I could instantly see how good a pattern for small flowers would look made in the bamboo. I'd chosen a rusty red colour for the bamboo, rust for the Sunggly and a blue/rust mix for he Crofter. Putting my ideas and inspiration from the new book together with the lovely Sirdar yarn and I decided to design a holdall. My reason was to have another  place for my crochet projects. I already have the shelves in my work room, a large basket with a current project or design, another basket with a commission I am working on, but you can never have enough!

I  started by creating some of the flowers and trying out the Sirdar Snuggly in double crochet (US single crochet) and borrowed a cross over treble stitch I'm using for a throw. The pattern for the holdall is now in my Ravelry store.....

The holdall was lovely to make and I spent some very relaxing warm summer evenings in the garden with the dogs.